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Arteriovenous Fistulas in Dialysis Patients 洗腎病人之動靜脈瘻管介紹


Arteriovenous Fistulas in Dialysis Patients 洗腎病人之動靜脈瘻管介紹


Operation Purpose

Vascular access for long-term hemodialysis when kidney function is poor.

Preparation before Surgery

  • Sign the informed consent for surgery and anesthesia.
  • Avoid any treatment (e.g. injection, blood drawing, intravenous drip) of a limb that planned for operation.
  • In principle, local anesthesia is performed, which does not require fasting.
  • General anesthesia or plexus anesthesia require fasting for more than 8 hours. Before operation blood, electrocardiogram and chest X-ray examinations need to be checked.
  • Remove items (watches, bracelets, rings, removable dentures, nail polish, etc.) from your body before surgery.
  • Change into a patient gown.

Surgical Procedure

  • Time of operation
    • Natural blood vessels: about 40 to 60 minutes.
    • Artificial blood vessels: about 20 to 90 minutes.
  • A feeling of mild electrical stimulation under local anesthesia.

Notes after Surgery (Natural Blood Vessels)

  • The surgical wound may bleed slightly. Do not overapply pressure. If the whole gauze is wet, seek medical treatment at the hospital as soon as possible.
  • Sometimes the thumb and forefinger feel numb or throbbing. Don’t be alarmed as it recovers slowly.
  • Under normal conditions, limb swelling should be minimal.
  • After 2 to 3 days, you can start to grip a soft ball. Hold the ball tightly for 5 seconds and then relax. Hold the ball 100 times a day and increase it gradually.
  • Blood vessels can be used about 4-8 weeks after surgery (depending on the individual situation).

Notes after Surgery (Artificial Blood Vessels)

  • There will be obvious swelling and pain in limbs after operation, which can be relieved by
    • Ice compress: within 72 hours after operation.
    • Postural drainage: try to keep the affected limb higher than the heart(lifted high at ordinary times while propped up at bedtime)
    • Medication: painkillers relieve discomfort.
  • The swelling may last for 2 weeks and gradually subside.
  • Starting hand exercise 72 hours later can reduce the swelling and need to last for 6 months.
  • Don’t puncture for hemodialysis until swelling subsided (about 4 weeks).

Principles of Long-term Care of Fistulas

  • It is forbidden to perform any treatment other than dialysis, such as measuring blood pressure and drawing blood.
  • Avoid postures or behaviors that compress fistulas (bent elbows, heavy lifting, lateral lying on fistula side, etc.).
  • Pay attention to the patency of the fistula regularly: after hemostasis by compression, before going to bed, and after getting up.
  • Early detection, early treatment (insufficient flow, high venous pressure, poor vasodilation).
  • Regular outpatient exams in the department of cardiovascular surgery.
  • If the shunting flow of fistulas stopped, seek for treatment from the cardiovascular surgeon immediately.

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