Department Introduction
In recent years, division doctors have been conducting and engaged in clinical services, research, teaching, health education, with brilliant achievements.
With respect to research
It encourages attending physicians and residents to conduct and participate in research. Moreover, it is committed to studies on the Chinese medicine treatment or combined Chinese and Western medicine treatment of gynecological diseases, such as breast cancer, dysmenorrhea, infertility, miscarriage prevention, menopausal syndromes, women's urinary diseases, and osteoporosis, in the expectation of creating a new field.
In terms of clinical practice
The division has long been actively cooperating with the Western medicine obstetrics and gynecology department. Whether postpartum physical conditioning, tocolysis care during pregnancy or physical function recovery after surgery, physical recovery in cancer patients from chemotherapy or radiotherapy is key areas of cooperation. As to outpatient clinics, it gives Chinese medicine services for female patients with endometriosis, hysteromyoma, dysmenorrhea, infertility, gestational diseases, postpartum conditioning, vaginitis, postmenopausal syndrome, and urinary disorders.
With regard to teaching
It engaged gynecologists with Chinese and Western medicine clinical experience to lay a foundation for the development of Chinese medicine gynecology. Moreover, the division runs gynecology courses for interns from the departments of Chinese medicine, post-baccalaureate Chinese medicine, and western medicine. In addition to the group’s series of teaching and clinical case discussions in each academic year, a symposium on Chinese medicine gynecology is held every month, with the content covering ancient and modern areas, including selected readings in English-language works on Chinese medicine gynecology, ancient classics by eminent Chinese medicine gynecologists, and discussions about international SCI journals. Furthermore, division residents are required to engage in in-depth clinical studies in the Western medicine obstetrics and gynecology department, so that it can cultivate physicians with a modern and integrated view of Chinese and Western medicine.
To strengthen the services of health education
It has stepped up regional volunteer clinics and medical information promotion to expand its service scope. In order to raise awareness about TCM therapy, the hospital’s Division of Chinese Medicine Gynecology actively participates in Chinese medicine lectures and local community speeches, so as to help people understand the content and function of modern Chinese medicine, and then make precise use of these medical resources. The contents cover the promotion of the concept of Chinese medicine, health maintenance, healthcare, and common health problems in average females such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, pregnancy and postpartum conditioning, breast cancer, postmenopausal syndrome, and urinary disorders, which gives women a better understanding of health care.
To facilitate the exchange and cooperation regarding international academic and clinical experience
International scholars visit each other, exchange clinical and research experience, and strive for excellence in the vast field of medicine.