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Health Education
Health EducationSmoking and apoplexy 吸菸與中風
2023/11/20There is a greater chance of getting stroke if patients have long smoking history with heavy tobacco dependency; and male to female ratio of stroke is 14.2 % to 3.1 %.
2023/11/20Thoroughly wash and clean your hair the day before EEG examination. Hair glue or grease is forbidden.
Instruction for Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) and Electromyography 神經傳導及肌電圖檢查須知
2023/11/20Evaluate your peripheral nerves ( including motor nerves, sensory nerves and neuromuscular potential ) functions and diagnose for the position and severity of possible lesion.
Aphasia 失語症
2023/11/8Aphasia is a common syndrome that occurs after brain injury, such as stroke, head trauma, brain tumors, degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and brain infections.
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) 重複性顱外磁刺激術
2023/11/8Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a technique that does not invade the human body while stimulating specific parts of the brain.
Rehabilitation principles of stroke patient 腦中風病人與家屬復健須知
2023/11/8Our medical team designed a series of physical and occupational therapeutic training programs to help patients recover from stroke sequel via rehabilitation.