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Health EducationColor-Coded Carotid Artery and Transcranial Sonography 彩色頸動脈及穿顱超音波檢查須知
2023/11/20Carotid artery and transcranial sonography is a non-invasive examination to evaluate the function of the carotid and vertebral artery system in the neck and their main branches supplying the brain.
Neuropsychological Test 神經心理檢查須知
2023/11/20Brain injuries usually cause changes on intelligence, emotion, and behaviors. Neuropsychological test is to evaluate cognitive functions through interviews with questionnaires or tests, which are particularly meaningful for cases of dementia, stroke, encephalitis, and traumatic brain injury.
Emergency Department-Notes for dizzy patients 急診—眩暈病人注意事項
2023/11/20After careful treatment by a physician, if the patient is already able to go home to recuperate, the following instructions can help the patient to follow up at home.
Emergency Department-Instructions for discharge of headache patients 急診—頭痛病人出院須知
2023/11/20After careful treatment by a physician, if the patient is already able to go home to recuperate, the following instructions can help the patient to follow up at home. If you have any questions, please call our hospital:
Home Care for Parkinson’s Disease (2) 巴金森氏病居家照顧(2)
2023/11/20Avoid spine deformity by adjust the body postures at rest. For example, lie flat on the firm mattress without using a pillow to prevent spines from bending forward.
Home Care for Parkinson’s Disease (1) 巴金森氏病居家照顧(1)
2023/11/20Make it clearly to patients that Parkinson’s Disease is not a shameful disease. This will reduce the uneasiness for the patients.
Early Symptoms of Dementia 失智症早期症狀
2023/11/20The early symptoms of dementia vary in individuals, but usually start with deterioration of short term memory and being forgetful.
Parkinson’s Disease 巴金森氏病
2023/11/20Parkinson’s disease ( PD ) is a neurodegenerative disorder; patients often suffer from bradykinesia, and limb rigidity and tremor. There are also medicines and brain disorders that could induce Parkinson like symptoms.
Instructions for Evoked Potential Test 誘發電位檢查須知
2023/11/20The purpose of evoked potential test aims to evaluate your nervous system through different types of neurophysiological stimulation and diagnose possible lesion position and severity.
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or Stroke 腦中風
2023/11/20Cerebrovascular accident ( CVA ) or stroke is the prime killer of health for aged people. CVA has been the second leading cause of death in Taiwan and it affects the health of our population significantly.