Health Information
Health Education
Health EducationAutism Spectrum Disorder, ASD 自閉症類群障礙
2024/1/2ASD is a kind of brain dysfunction, which is generally known as biological based disorder. In general, symptoms and signs start to display when your baby is less than 30 months old and the condition can be confirmed by the doctor when your baby is 3 years old.
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder 注意力欠缺過動症
2024/1/2When compared to children of similar age and mental cognition, children of attention deficit hyperactive disorder often display inappropriate intensity of attention span and impulsivity level.
Cerebral Palsy 腦性麻痺
2024/1/2Some children will stretch taut when they’re getting nervous; therefore we have to avoid such situation to make the training going smoothly.
Head Injury in Children 兒童頭部外傷
2024/1/2The common causes of children's head injury are falls, falls from heights, abuse, traffic accidents, etc., resulting in scalp, skull, meninges or brain tissue injuries.
Meningitis 腦膜炎
2024/1/2Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord caused by microbial infection or other causes.
Care for Hair Loss in Cancer Patients 癌症病人毛髮脫落的照顧
2024/1/2Hair loss or alopecia is probably one of the most common and often intolerable side effects you hear about. The degree of hair loss is largely related to the medications used and does not happen to everyone.
Stroke and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 腦中風與高壓氧治療
2024/1/2Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a treatment for patients to inhale 100% oxygen in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber that has 1.4 barometric pressure.
Health Education after Hair Transplantation 植髮手術後衛教
2023/11/24All possible treatments should be discussed in detail with your doctor and photographs should be taken before and after surgery for reference and documentation.
Parkinson’s Disease 巴金森氏病
2023/11/20Parkinson’s disease ( PD ) is a neurodegenerative disorder; patients often suffer from bradykinesia, and limb rigidity and tremor. There are also medicines and brain disorders that could induce Parkinson like symptoms.
Instructions for Evoked Potential Test 誘發電位檢查須知
2023/11/20The purpose of evoked potential test aims to evaluate your nervous system through different types of neurophysiological stimulation and diagnose possible lesion position and severity.