Health Information
Health Education
Health EducationSeizures and Epilepsy 痙攣及癲癇
2024/3/21Seizure is the main parozysmal disorder of the newborn, characterized by the sudden onset of neurological dysfunction which causes unexpected changes in behavior.
Screening for Dementia 失智症篩檢
2024/2/21The AD8 Dementia Screening Interview is used to detect the early signs of dementia. Please use the items in the form to check whether you or your relatives or friends have similar symptoms, so as to detect and treat them as soon as possible.
How to Care for Family Members with Dementia 如何照顧失智家人
2024/2/21Maintain simple and regular cleaning habits, set bath and toilet times, and remind patients to go to the toilet regularly.
Treatment of Mental Illness 精神疾病的治療
2024/2/21If you suspect that you are suffering from a mental illness or are already a mental patient, and your condition is relatively stable or you have residual symptoms but do not endanger yourself or others, you may consider going to a psychiatric outpatient clinic for treatment on your own or accompanied by your family.
Schizophrenia 思覺失調症
2024/2/21Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, distortions in thinking, emotional and behavioral changes
Relaxation Training 放鬆訓練法
2024/2/21In the daily life of today's society, there are often some big and small events that cause us stress or insecurity, such as work pressure, the hectic pace of life, test pressure, noise interference and interpersonal problems, and affect our life and work performance.
Psychotherapy 心理治療
2024/2/21In our increasingly busy lives, worries and troubles are eating away at us bits by bits, wrapping ourselves up like balls of wool. We begin to feel upset and sad, melancholy, anxious and lost. In this state of restlessness, perhaps we can seek professional help.
Bipolar Disorder 躁鬱症
2024/2/21Bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar disorder, is a mental illness dominated by mood disorders. When the mood is extremely high, it is called a manic state; when the mood is extremely low, it is called a depressive state.
Anxiety Disorders 焦慮症
2024/2/21The development of anxiety can be influenced by external pressures and personal vulnerabilities. External stress generally refers to the various difficulties and challenges that an individual faces in interacting with the environment.