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Health Information
Herniated Intervertebral Disc 椎間盤突出
2024/8/6Intervertebral disc is a structure between the vertebral bodies in spine. Herniated intervertebral disc occurs when the outer fibrous ring ruptures due to degeneration or trauma, causing the nucleus pulpous of intervertebral disc to protrude to spinal cord cavity and compress the nerves, which leads to lower limb pain and sciatica.
Prevent Fall Injuries Avoid Fractures 預防跌倒受傷 避免骨折
2024/8/6Osteoporosis is clinically defined as low bone quality and weakened bone tissue mechanical structure that cause bone tissues to become fragile and prone to fractures.
Who Needs Bone Mass Density Test? 誰需要接受骨質密度檢測
2024/8/6Current statistics indicate that males start bone mass loss later and slower than females because their bones are bigger than those in females.
Extra-corporal High Dose Irradiation Autograft Bone Reconstruction體外高劑量放射線照射後自體骨骼重建手術
2024/8/6After surgical removal of the tumor from the bone, high dose irradiation (20,000 – 30,000 rads) is used to kill all cancerous cells and then the bone is implanted back patient’s body for reconstruction. Such “autograft” bone reconstruction does not have concerns of cross infection, risks of hepatitis or AIDS infections, insufficient source of allograft bones, or not being able to find allograft bone match.
De Quervain’s Disease 淺談媽媽手
2024/8/6Many new mothers feel the pain on the sides of both thumbs near wrist joints and the pain worsens when holding their babies. This disease is nicknamed “Mama’s hand”. Its official medical term is stenosing tenosynovitis of radial styloid, or De-Quervain’s Disease.
Plantar Fasciitis 足底筋膜炎
2024/8/6Young or mid-age people often suffer from “pain in the sole”. We see many casesevery day, which indicates its prevalence.
Instruction for Orthopedic Wound Care 骨科傷口照護注意事項
2024/8/68-12 hours after the injury occurs, tissues will continue to swell. Please elevate the injured spot to reduce swelling. Apply ice pad on the injured spot as instructed by the doctor (10-15 minutes each time).
Care after Arthroscopy Procedure 關節腔鏡檢查術後照護須知
2024/8/6Surgeries near joints often need to open up the joints, leaving more damages. Arthroscopy places a tiny tube in the joint cavity to observe the conditions in the joints and to perform surgeries, which leaves less damage with faster recovery.
Introduction for Soft Tissue Ultrasound 軟組織超音波簡介
2024/8/6Soft Tissue Ultrasound is a new device for musculoskeletal system injury examination. Although ultrasound technology has been widely used in the fields of medicine department, OBGYN, and neurology, ultrasound equipment with definition good enough to exam soft tissues in the superficial area of the body was developed in recent years.
Soft Tissue Tumor Biopsy 軟組織腫瘤切片病理檢查
2024/8/6We recently have had three patients, who received improper soft tissue tumor biopsy at other hospitals or clinics, transferring to our hospital for detailed physical and radiological examinations.