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Health EducationNotes for Ophthalmic Patients After Surgery 眼科病人手術後須知
2024/7/30Take oral medicines according to a strict schedule; if there are other medicines used in combination or discomfort, please inform your doctor.
Notice For Tube Feeding 鼻胃管灌食準備與步驟
2024/7/16Prior to tube feeding, double check on your patients to see if their N-G tube is in place of the stomach.
Radiation Therapy and Change in Taste 放射線治療與味覺改變
2024/4/23After the radiation therapy, the microvilli of taste bud cells are damaged while the secretion of saliva is reduced.
Radiation Therapy and Oral Mucositis 放射線治療與口腔黏膜炎
2024/4/23Radiation therapy for the head and neck will cause oral mucositis, which emerges on the 3rd week after the start of radiation therapy.
Radiation Therapy and Lockjaw 放射線治療與牙關緊閉
2024/4/23The average person can open the mouth to the width of accommodating 3~4 fingers horizontally.
Myopia acupuncture point massage 近覷(近視)穴位按摩自我保健
2024/4/8Maintain good distance : keep a proper distance of 30 cm when reading or working with computers; and sit with correct postures.
Acupuncture point massage for facial palsy 顏面神經麻痺(面癱)的穴位按摩自我保健
2024/4/8The 7th cranial nerve, also called facial nerve, dominates various facial expressions and allows eyes to open and close.
Ear surgery 耳部手術後之傷口照護
2024/3/29Ear wound after surgery is covered by elastic gauze for bleeding control and drug fixing for 1-2 days. Don’t remove gauze by yourself.
Auricular Hematoma 耳廓血腫
2024/3/29Auricular pseudocyst often manifests as an acute painless swelling of auricles. The patient usually is asymptomatic except for the auricular swelling.
Matters needing attention after nasal surgery 鼻部手術後注意事項
2024/3/29Dizziness may happen and even be followed by fainting soon after nasal surgery due to postural hypotension or the reflex from autonomic system.